menu in the lower-left and selecting "Set up OpenXR". Make the Windows Mixed Reality OpenXR Runtime active by launching Mixed Reality Portal from the Start menu, clicking the.You will need to activate it manually by doing two things after extracting the mod and before running the game: Since OpenXR support is still sort of experimental, both in my mod and in the world at large, it is not enabled by default because it might break the mod for many other users. Important for Windows Mixed Reality users: Starting from release 5, the mod finally works correctly with WMR headsets! However, due to an issue in Microsoft's driver for SteamVR, in order to have correct tracking it is mandatory that you enable OpenXR. The only file you need to download is GTAV_REAL_mod_by_LukeRoss_r7.rar (be sure to overwrite the old files if you had a previous release installed). Please see the README for important instructions on setup and gameplay, especially if this is your first time using the mod. This release makes the mod compatible with the latest game update released by Rockstar on (version. Once you get them, you will have to add them within the specified folders for the mods in the game’s main folder.Mar 21: GTA V got yet another update, so to keep the mod working you must download the latest Script Hook V from Alexander Blade's page ( ) and update the ScriptHookV.dll file that you have in the game folder the other files in ScriptHookV_1.0.XXXX.Y.zip are unchanged and you don't need to replace them. Now that you have installed the pre-requisites, there are numerous GTA V Mods that you can download. Now, within the scripts folder you can add new scripts that will help you mod Grand Theft Auto 5.After downloading and extracting, look for the LUA.asi file and the scripts folder and paste them in the game’s main folder where GTA5.exe is located.Fortunately, this too is quite easy to install and utilize.

It is necessary to pair it with Script Hook V to make things work. LUA is another essential pre-requisite when it comes to GTA 5 Mods. This distrib also includes a sample asi plugin – native trainer, if you need a trainer then copy NativeTrainer.asi too.Since you will need an asi loader installed in order to load asi plugins, you can download it separately or use the latest version that comes with this distrib ( dinput8.dll).zip folder, copy ScriptHookV.dll to the game’s main folder where GTA5.exe is located. Here are all steps on how to install Script Hook V: Since Script Hook V is quite important while installing GTA V mods, you will have to know how to get it done.