It was created by NatGeo to go along with the Genius TV show.ZEVEhelps reduce stress, loneliness and boredom in difficult times such as the 2020 worldwide situation where millions of people are isolated at home. Cleverbot includes other bots: Eviebot, Boibot, PewDieBot, Chimbot and are available in the App Store.Genius This Facebook Messenger chatbot allows users to engage in a text exchange with Albert Einstein, to explore the details of his life and accomplishments. The conversations are weird and don’t seem to follow a normal pattern, but it’s fun to play with it. Zo is a bot Microsoft provides to you for entertainment purposes.CleverbotThis chatbot is a nonsense bot that seems to be collecting data. She is English-speaking and was created for an urban Indian audience.ZoZo is a social AI chatbot with #friendgoals. The quote chatbot will learn from your responses.Dinner Ideas Bot This chatbot will give you a recipe every day or every week, and you can give it a list of ingredients and it will give a recipe suggestion.RuuhRuuh is an entertainment chatbot that focuses on humor, Bollywood, music and other forms of entertainment.

This joke chatbot will learn from your responses.QuoteBot Ask for an inspirational quote or submit your own quote. Update…We added some new pages for these specific categories of chatbots:Ecommerce Chatbots | Support Assistant Chatbots | Personality Chatbots | Travel Chatbots | News ChatbotsFUN AND SOCIALJokeBot Ask for a joke or submit a joke. We also created a best AI chatbot comparison blog, and you can read it here. Here are some chatbots to try, most are on Facebook Messenger. We started a running list of chatbots that you can try, and new bots are being created every day. Chatbots are on Facebook Messenger, Slack, Kik, in the App Store, and on browsers. You can spend a lot of time playing with chat bots. There are shopping bots, health bots, therapy bots, financial bots, and the list goes on. We've rounded up the 11 best sexting and messaging apps to help you keep pictures of your body confidential, because it's important to ensure the privacy of your sexy selfies.There are many types of chatbots that serve many purposes.

Wikipedia provides a great definition for bots: “A Chatterbot, Chatbot, or simply Bot is a text-based dialogue system, which allows you to chat with a technical system.

Twilio Whatsapp ChatbotWhatsapp Chatbot ApiThe terms WhatsApp Chatbots, WhatsApp Bot, Messenger Bot, and Chatbot have one thing in common - they are all ways to refer to a Bot.