Now that has detailed instructions on making a spigot server if you wish to. just search up buildtools Minecraft, click on the first link ( ), which should bring you to the spigotmc page. To do this, you need to install buildtools. If you want to setup a spigot server, which improves performance of the vanilla server a lot, there are 2 ways: go on and download the spigot jar from there. This is typically done in the router, and you'll have to search up how to port forward on your model of your router. In order to play with your friends and other people, you will need to port forward the server. It should show your ipv4 address, and you can copy and paste that one in order to join your mc server. To find your ipv4 address, go to cmd prompt and type in "ipconfig". You can either join via typing in "localhost" or your ipv4 address. To do this, go to the game and go into the multiplayer section. Once it shows it as "done", you are ready to join your server. Now double click on the batch file again to generate the rest of the files, including the world file itself. so it should look like something like "eula=true". Go ahead and change it from false to true. Now there should be a eula.txt file in there. When it prompts you to agree to the EULA, press any key to close it. Now, double click the batch file, and it should fire right up. Rename the text document to something like run.bat, and click save. You could add the nogui to the end if you don't want the gui that all mc servers have.

To adjust how much ram you want it to use, just change the numbers in the -Xmx and -Xms part. So create a new text document, and open it up (in the same folder where the server jar is). Now, you could go ahead and double click it and just wait a little bit, but what I recommend to to is to make a batch file. Drag and drop the server jar that you just downloaded into the folder. Make a new folder somewhere, and name it whatever you like. It's safe since it came from the official mc website. if ur browser prompts you to save it, save it or press "keep". (remember you will need java 8 or higher in order to run these servers).

If you want just a regular vanilla server (no mods or plugins), go to and download the server jar from there.